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Fostering a Culture of Creativity with Josh Linkner

To Josh Linkner, creativity and innovation are the lifeblood of all human progress. As such, he’s spent his career harnessing the power of creative disruption. In addition to his own startups, Josh has been involved with the launch, growth, or financing of over 100 other companies. He’s helped raise over $150 million of venture capital,… more -->

The Future Show: Knowledge and Learning

The perceived value of data, basic information and fact-based human knowledge is becoming increasingly commoditised by the efficiency and sheer horse-power of digital technologies. Any Internet user can now look up, find out and tap into almost any information, anywhere, anytime – and very soon, artificial intelligence and so-called cognitive computing will become as normal… more -->

5 Top Tech Trends for 2014

2014 is upon us. So what tech trends should we expect to see? Google Glass will make us twitchy. The coming year will see the launch of Google Glass with eye strain and headaches induced at no extra charge. At the same time new behaviours will emerge that are best described as 'eye twitch' or… more -->

Jay Silver’s Inspiring TED Talk: Hack a Banana

Why can't two slices of pizza be used as a slide clicker? Why shouldn't you make music with ketchup? In this charming talk, inventor Jay Silver talks about the urge to play with the world around you. He shares some of his messiest inventions, and demos MaKey MaKey, a kit for hacking everyday objects. more -->

The Gen Y Point of View

Millennials bring innovation just by sharing ideas on how things might work A number of years ago, a ski instructor told me that he could always tell if a person learned to ski as an adult or as a child. In his experience, even though you could become a very good skier as an adult,… more -->

Thriving in the Age of Disruption

At a destination travel conference in Barcelona not long ago, a marketing exec confided to me that although his company has enjoyed double-digit growth during the past four years, there’s a sense of unease. I asked him why. He explained that if a new competitor like Apple or Google or Amazon decided to enter the… more -->

The Four Currents of a Culture of Innovation

I've been doing a lot of thinking these days about "culture of innovation" -- trying to get down to the root of what the heck it's all about. It's easy to wax poetic about the topic (and a lot of people do), but too much of the stuff I've been reading sounds like bad advertising… more -->

Speakers / Writers

  • With over eight weeks in space, forty-seven hours on spacewalks and 23,000,000 miles in orbit, astronaut Dr. Scott Parazynski brings an inspirational story and the knowledge he has gained about leadership and team-bui ... more -->

  • Widely regarded as one of the world's leading experts on business and management strategy, globalization and innovation, Vijay Govindarajan (known as VG) is a Coxe Distinguished Professor at Dartmouth College's Tuck S ... more -->

  • Founder and president of One Step Beyond Worldwide, John Amatt runs a company that encourages people to break through the limitations they have imposed on themselves, to be personally accountable for their actions and ... more -->

  • Andy has earned a reputation as one of the most disruptive and effective advisors in business. He is a thought leader and thinking partner to executives and their most critical ideas.

    Driving growth and change for ... more -->

  • Erik Wahl is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, best selling author and graffiti artist. Wahl has also been described as the Picasso of Productivity, the Warhol of Wall Street and the Renoir of ROI.

    Wahl wrote ... more -->

  • Doc Hendley is a CNN Hero and President and founder of the organization Wine to Water. He brings his knowledge of civil and human rights, global affairs and empowerment to his inspirational presentations.

    The o ... more -->

  • Leadership expert and youth guru, social entrepreneur Marc Kielburger is a New York Times bestselling author and co-founder (with his brother Craig) of Free The Children. This international charity and educatio ... more -->

  • Senior partner and managing director at the consulting firm BCG, Roselinde Torres leads the firm in the areas of “people and organization." A lifelong student of leadership, she is the firm's resident expert in the ... more -->

  • Professor Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his revolutionary work in establishing the Grameen Movement; this movement, based on micro-finance for the rural poor, combines capitalism and social ... more -->
  • One of the most creative geniuses of the 21st century, Elon Musk has proven time and time again that the impossible can be achieved. The CEO and architect of Tesla motors, Elon is a pioneer in transportation, renewabl ... more -->

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