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Economy / Finance

Rebuilding Democracy and Capitalism, with Dr. Philip Kotler

Dubbed “The Marketing Guru” and “The Most Influential Marketer of All Time," Dr. Philip Kotler has secured standing as one of the great business thinkers of the past century. While academic communities, governments, and organizations around the world seek his insights and expertise on marketing, Dr. Kotler's most recent work focuses on how trends and… more -->

The International Economic Outlook with Dr. Dambisa Moyo

Winner of the Hayek Lifetime Achievement award and one of TIME magazine's “100 Most Influential People in the World,” Dr. Dambisa Moyo is an economist with an unrivaled knowledge of international business and global affairs. Originally from Zambia, she is CEO and founder of the Mildstorm Group, a boutique firm providing investment strategies for its… more -->

Using Psychology to Increase Profit with Denise Shull

Denise Shull combines economic insight with psychology to explore the world of finance. A veteran of stock trading herself, she uses 21st-century psychoanalysis and cutting-edge neuroscience to examine what creates exceptional performance. Denise began her career at the University of Chicago, researching into unconscious emotions as a driver of behavior. Her research brought her into… more -->

The Free-Trade Charade

NEW YORK – Though nothing has come of the World Trade Organization’s Doha Development Round of global trade negotiations since they were launched almost a dozen years ago, another round of talks is in the works. But this time the negotiations will not be held on a global, multilateral basis; rather, two huge regional agreements… more -->

Advanced Malaise

NEW YORK – Economics is often called the dismal science, and for the last half-decade it has come by its reputation honestly in the advanced economies. Unfortunately, the year ahead will bring little relief. Real (inflation-adjusted) per capita GDP in France, Greece, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States is lower today than… more -->

Stagnation by Design

NEW YORK – Soon after the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, I warned that unless the right policies were adopted, Japanese-style malaise – slow growth and near-stagnant incomes for years to come – could set in. While leaders on both sides of the Atlantic claimed that they had learned the lessons of Japan, they… more -->

The World in 2050

The Grameen Bank, a microfinance lender and community development bank started in Bangladesh, works to eradicate poverty worldwide. But what other goals would Nobel Prize-winning founder Muhammad Yunus like to see achieved by 2050? In "Creating a World Without Poverty," Professor Yunus describes what he sees as the ultimate goals of globalization. Let me give… more -->

Can We Create Prosperity?

Can America create another round of extraordinary economic growth and prosperity again? There's no reason to believe we couldn't. After all, we've overcome tough challenges before. If we don't lose our optimism, and our common sense, we can leverage our energy independence and technology expertise to lead a new round of global growth. But we… more -->

Speakers / Writers

  • Teresa Allen's approach to communicating with your customers and increasing sales is summed up in the name of her book and her most popular keynote Common Sense Service!

    An internationally recognized cus ... more -->

  • Author of three books, Focus on the Good Stuff, Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest, Nothing Changes Until You Do, Mike Robbins teaches people how to infuse their lives and busines ... more -->

  • When veteran astronaut Ron Garan blasted up into space, his perspective of humanity and all the problems we face changed forever. During his 178 days in orbit and 27 hours and 3 minutes of EVA during four spacewalks, ... more -->

  • President and co-founder of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff is a consultant specializing in creative thinking, innovation, team development, leadership, and the power of storytelling in the workplace. Since 1987, he has ... more -->

  • Starting out with just $5000 in savings, Sara Blakely, entrepreneur and designer, is now one of the most famous names in the 2 billion-dollar hosiery industry, an arena traditionally dominated by men. Her adventure began ... more -->
  • The New York Times described Daniel Burrus as one of the top three most in demand business gurus in the United States. He is generally considered one of the world's leading experts in the area of global trends ... more -->

  • After an ATV accident left her paralyzed from the waist down, six-time swimming Olympic gold medalist, Amy Van Dyken became more than a sports champion. She became a champion for thousands of people with spinal injuri ... more -->

  • Screen legend, political activist, and fitness guru, Jane Fonda has inspired people around the world promoting a greater understanding of our common humanity through her acting and philanthropy. The Academy award-winn ... more -->

  • The most celebrated journalist of our time, Bob Woodward rewrote the rules of investigative reporting and forever changed the dynamic between the American people and their national government. His in-depth coverage of ... more -->

  • One of MeetingsNet's Editors' Picks as a Favorite Speaker, Seth Mattison is known around the world for his expertise in employee relations and communication culture. Founder and CEO of Futuresight Labs, his presentati ... more -->

  • CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy for business design, Mike Walsh is in great demand from leading companies worldwide, both as a consultant and a keynote speaker. A former senior strategist at News Corporation and cu ... more -->

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