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Transforming Your Business through Practice Management, with Sales Speaker Duncan MacPherson

A professional branding and client acquisition expert, sales and marketing speaker Duncan MacPherson has been coaching financial professionals for over 20 years. His company Pareto Systems is at the forefront of improving productivity and practice management in financial advisors. Duncan is an industry author and has written the best-selling books: Breakthrough Business Development – Take… more -->

Building a Culture of World-Class Service, with Customer Service Speaker Dennis Snow

Dennis Snow’s customer service abilities were honed over 20 years with the Walt Disney World Company. Today he is a full-time customer service speaker, trainer and consultant who helps organizations achieve goals related to customer service, employee development and leadership. He is the author of the book, Lessons from the Mouse: A Guide for Applying… more -->

Four Pillars of Exceptional Execution, with Kevin Kelly

Internationally acclaimed motivational speaker Kevin Kelly is a foremost authority on entrepreneurship, leadership, sales, creativity and personal excellence. Over the course of two decades, Kevin has been a keynote speaker for a multitude of events all across the globe, from the Middle East and Asia to Europe and the United States. Knowledge will always give… more -->

Leading and Building Effective Teams with Peter Bregman

Peter Bregman is the CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a company that strengthens leadership in people and in organizations through leadership programs, coaching, and as a consultant to CEOs and their leadership teams. He is the author, most recently, of Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to Stop Counter-Productive Habits and Get the Results… more -->

Is Your Customer Service Too Well Done?

I recently took a friend to a restaurant known for having great burgers. When our lunch was delivered to the table, I cut into my burger and it was well done. In my taste spectrum a well done burger is not done well! I realized that I had not told the server that I preferred… more -->

Guerrilla Marketing for Professional Speakers

It’s Better to be Different than to be Better Based in Edinburgh, Flow Languages provides translation and interpretation services all over Europe. While working together over SKYPE on his Guerrilla Marketing Calendar for 2014, the owner, James Canter, shared his plan to send Valentines Day Cards to all of their clients. James had designed an… more -->

Think you have the competitive edge?

Think you have the competitive edge? Wouldn’t you rather KNOW you’ve got it? Thinking you have the competitive edge and knowing you have it are two different things! So how do you know whether your company is on top or headed to the bottom of the heap? Do your customers tell if there’s a difference… more -->

What Makes A Successful Negotiator? Five Steps To Negotiating Like An Expert

My husband loves to negotiate. So much so that whenever I need to buy new running shoes, he always buys a pair, too, with the hopes that he can swing a "deal" with the store by buying two pairs at once. Of course, he never gets a discount, but what I find fascinating is the… more -->

3 Step Process to Developing an Effective USP

Developing your USP (unique selling proposition) requires some hard brand-storming and creativity. One way to start is to analyze what clients say about the services you provide. What are the biggest and best benefits you have to offer? Also pay attention to how other companies use their USPs to their advantage. This process requires careful… more -->

How to generate sales with social media in an underground business


Many people I meet have a tough time using content for sales and marketing purposes. This is especially true for those who have spent their entire career generating attention via paid advertising, traditional media relations, and direct sales efforts. With that context in mind, imagine how difficult it would be to generate sales if you’re… more -->

Speakers / Writers

  • Marketing pioneer, Internet expert and public relations guru Seth Godin has been nominated as one of the top twenty-one speakers for the 21st century by Successful Meetings Magazine. He energizes his audiences ... more -->

  • Ross Dawson is a futurist and entrepreneur in worldwide demand for his uncanny skill at predicting developments and trends. He is best known for his book “Living Networks” which forecasted the rise of social netwo ... more -->

  • Keith Ferrazzi is one of the preeminent experts in professional relationship development. He uses two decades of research and experience to transform the lives and careers of his clients and readers through scientific ... more -->

  • President and co-founder of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff is a consultant specializing in creative thinking, innovation, team development, leadership, and the power of storytelling in the workplace. Since 1987, he has ... more -->

  • Certified Fraud Examiner Pamela Meyer is a leading expert in the science of deception. She uses her extensive training in research into psychology and visual cues to help uncover the truth. She brings this knowledge t ... more -->

  • After an ATV accident left her paralyzed from the waist down, six-time swimming Olympic gold medalist, Amy Van Dyken became more than a sports champion. She became a champion for thousands of people with spinal injuri ... more -->

  • Travel, ecology and science lecturer Dr. David Gallo is Director of Special Projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He is a globally recognized expert on ocean exploration and has been for more than quar ... more -->

  • Harrison H. Schmitt ... more -->
  • It's all about the “Breakthrough Mentality": using it, Vernice “Fly Girl" Armour flew from beat cop to Marine Corps pilot in just three years and on the way became the USMC's first African American female pilot, t ... more -->

  • The chief political analyst at CNN, Gloria Borger graduated from Colgate University, Hamilton New York (where she has been a trustee). She began her career in politics at the Washington Star, covering politics ... more -->

Core: the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
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