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Core Speakers Agency directly represents top-rated speakers you won't find anywhere else in the world. Our thought leaders will deliver compelling, rich, current content your audiences want to hear. Every Core Agency speaker has been pre-qualified for leading edge content, professionalism and expertise.


Need new speaker insights and content ideas? Tired of the same old keynotes? Our team can help you identify the best new speaker talent for your event and core messaging. Contact us today, you'll be happy you did....

Bear Grylls on Success, Team Building and Personal Strength
“The lesson has always been simple: try, fail, pick yourself up, go again and again. Life rewards the dogged and determined. The key is in the getting back up. That’s where champions set themselves apart.”
Creativity Speaker Dr. AnnMarie Thomas Inspires Innovators to Play
“You’re not under pressure to have the “perfect” solution when you’re playing… When we are playful and exploring, then, we are more likely to enter a creative space where new and unexpected ideas present themselves. ”
Launching a Successful Business, with Keynote Speaker Scott Duffy
“It’s not just one entrepreneur that big companies need to watch out for. There are literally millions of entrepreneurs nibbling at their feet.”
Disruption and Invention, with Innovation Speaker Kevin Surace
“Most markets have been untouched for years or even decades. They are ripe for disruption and we can see it everywhere.”
Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy, with Fitness Speaker Dr. Jo Lichten
“We’re all being asked to do more in less time, which is difficult when we’re already running at full capacity. That’s where REBOOT comes in. ”
Create a Future of Prosperity with Innovation Speaker, Michael Perman
“Our minds have huge potential, which often remains untapped due to reliance on more reductive or analytical innovation tools. Mindful innovation accesses sub-conscious thinking and the collective consciousness of energy where deeper and newer ideas exist but have yet to emerge. ”


Core: the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
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