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How to Spot a Lie with Pamela Meyer

Certified Fraud Examiner Pamela Meyer is a leading expert in the science of deception. She uses her extensive training in research into psychology and visual cues to help uncover the truth. She brings this knowledge to her fascinating speeches that are essential viewing for leaders and human resource managers everywhere. I did further investigation and… more -->

Interview with Robert Richman: Culture Hacking, Relevancy and Values

Robert Richman is a culture strategist and was the co-creator of Zappos Insights, an innovative program focused on educating companies on the secrets behind Zappos’ amazing employee culture. The big challenge is to develop a culture that is strongly aligned but also has the freedom to be autonomous. SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the main… more -->

Crucial Tip for Leading Better Meetings

Here's a useful tip for you the next time you find yourself standing in front of a group of people and about to facilitate a meeting of any kind. Before you begin, ask people to give you permission to facilitate. This may sound like a complete waste of time, especially if you've been brought in… more -->

Communicate to Mute the Dark Side of the Imagination

Communication is the glue that holds relationships together. So, the question is - Do you believe that you communicate often enough and in the right way to create and sustain positive relationships in all areas of your life? In my 30+ years of speaking and coaching, I have observed that the majority of problems that… more -->

Engaged Listening

Have you ever felt you were really listened to? I mean one of those moments when the other person seems riveted on your words – no looking at a watch, no changing the subject, none of those subtle clues of boredom like shifting in her seat or glancing away. It’s a great feeling isn’t it?… more -->

Storytelling in Business Infographic

Here is a fantastic infographic on storytelling in business. more -->

Crucial Moments in Management: The last decade of Crucial Conversations Research

I often muse about the fact that people consider me and my coauthors to be experts on communication. When we began our work three decades ago, our real interest had nothing to do with communication. What interested us was the study of crucial moments—moments where the way a manager behaves has a profound and disproportionate… more -->

DISC and The Platinum Rule

We have all heard of the Golden Rule and many people aspire to live by it. The Golden Rule is not a panacea. Think about it: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The Golden Rule implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated the way that… more -->

Speakers / Writers

  • Author of 19 books which are available in more than 35 languages, leading futurist thinker Jeremy Rifkin's works are required reading in a multitude of universities and business and government institutions across the ... more -->

  • With a highly distinguished academic career, Shawn Achor, a teacher at Wharton Business School, is a leading expert on the ways in which success and happiness are interrelated. His research into positive psychology ha ... more -->

  • Entrepreneur Johnny Earle is founder of the cult retail sensation “Johnny Cupcakes,” a limited edition T-shirt company that operates under a bakery narrative. The brand has attracted thousands of loyal customers a ... more -->

  • Holding an unrivalled position at the forefront of thinking methodology, Edward de Bono has arguably had a greater influence on the ways in which we “think about thinking” than any other figure of his age.

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  • Dubbed “The Marketing Guru” and “The Most Influential Marketer of All Time," Dr. Philip Kotler has secured standing as one of the great business thinkers of the past century. While academic communities, governmen ... more -->
  • As an expert on overstepping boundaries, Gabor George Burt helps companies expand and succeed by teaching them how to eliminate perceived limitations. He provides an informative, step-by-step framework for re-imagining s ... more -->
  • Harrison H. Schmitt ... more -->
  • With 25 years of real-world business experience as a senior leader, leadership coach and motivational speaker, Bill Benjamin knows what it takes to succeed in high-pressure environments, and his thoughts on this have bee ... more -->
  • Robin Crow’s flourishing career has spanned over four decades in one of the most competitive industries imaginable. The musician-turned-entrepreneur knows first-hand how to thrive in a field that’s changes from on ... more -->

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