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Seth Mattison
Minnesota, USA
Speaker Fee Range SPEAKING FEE RANGE ** Please note that while this speaker’s specific speaking fee falls within the range posted above (for Continental U.S. based events), fees are subject to change. For current fee information or international event fees (which are generally 50-75% more than U.S based event fees), please contact us.
$15,000 to $20,000
Book This Core Agency Speaker BOOK SETH MATTISON
Seth Mattison
Minnesota, USA
$15,000 to $20,000
Email Core Agency Book Seth Mattison
  • Respected worldwide as a leading figure in employee relations and communication.
  • Founder and CEO of Futuresight Labs.
  • Contributor to the Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post and The Globe and Mail.

Seth Mattison is the Founder and CEO of Futuresight Labs, respected worldwide for his expertise in employee relations and communication culture. A favorite keynote speaker in business circles, his presentations on workforce trends and generational dynamics are sought after by many of the most important companies in the world.

Born and raised on a farm in Minnesota, Mattison grew up working alongside his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, men from three different generations. Collaborating with people with such different backgrounds and attitudes led Mattison to become interested in the ways in which people work together. Today, he uses the ideas he’s been developing since then to help businesses thrive.

These ideas present a roadmap that facilitates better understanding and collaboration in the workplace by monitoring new workforce dynamics, often also incorporating Mattison’s own experience and skills into interpretations of this data. Combining anecdotal evidence and personal expertise with the very best and most recent research, he provides clients with new perspectives and plans which can have an immediate, positive effect on business.

Widely lauded as one of the most dynamic young speakers currently on the circuit, Seth's work has been featured in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post and The Globe and Mail.

Seth Mattison I want to inspire people to be courageous enough to face the fear of change we ALL deal with so they can continue to adapt, learn, and grow.

CORE Agency What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

Seth Mattison
A lot of what I talk about boils down to change. Changes taking shape inside organizations as well as in the marketplace with how we engage clients and customers; but the truth is, change is scary, it’s uncomfortable. and just down right hard. Not only do I want to give people insights and research into what’s coming next but I also want to leave them with two big inspiring thoughts…

Number 1 – While the world of work is changing at warp speed, it’s important NOT to have an “out with the old in with the new” type mentality. Yes we need to adapt but we also need to make sure we’re tapping into the wisdom, knowledge, and perspective of those that have gone before us. Not dismissing those insights because we think they’re irrelevant today can save us from making painful mistakes. It has to be a two way street.

Number 2 – I want to inspire people to be courageous enough to face the fear of change we ALL deal with so they can continue to adapt, learn, and grow. I don’t think we talk enough about the importance of courage today and the fact that the amount of change we’re navigating requires individuals to be brave enough to continue to face these disruptive waters every single day.

Once they’ve flexed that courage muscle and have experienced the satisfaction of learning and trying new things, I want to help them tap in the power of joy. We all deserve the chance to do work that brings joy into our life and the truth is no matter where people are at today, what job they’re doing, if we can change our perspective, we can all find the joy.

At the end of the day I want to equip people with a new framework to think about the change they’re navigating in their world and I want to inspire them to be courageous enough to continue to evolve and ultimately find joy in their work.

One of the biggest things that have helped me deliver successful engagements is being committed to doing interviews before every event.

CORE Agency What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How to you prepare for your speaking engagements?

Seth Mattison
One of the biggest things that have helped me deliver successful engagements is being committed to doing interviews before every event. I typically try to interview anywhere between 3-7 key stakeholders from client audiences in the weeks leading up to an event.

These interviews are an incredible opportunity for me to get a clearer picture of the world the audience lives in every single day. It’s one thing to track the trends from the sidelines; it’s another to spend meaningful time with leaders on the front lines of change today.

From these conversations we’re able to identify and confirm not only the challenges leaders are facing today but also some of the best practices and strategies that are creating real wins for individuals. These stories are incredibly important to highlight and celebrate and I take a lot of pride in brining these to life from stage.

CORE Agency Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

Seth Mattison
I was speaking in Mexico this past winter and we had a medium sized earthquake hit while I was on stage. I didn’t feel it at first but then started to notice the audience pointing at the large screens off to the side of the stage and from the corner of my eye I could see they were swaying back and forth. No major damage but enough of a jolt to wake up the people in the back! I was so in the moment I didn’t skip a beat.

CORE Agency Who are some of your favorite audiences?

Seth Mattison
My favorite groups are the ones that laugh at all my jokes and think I’m brilliant!!! In all honesty that’s a hard questions. Every group is fun and unique in their own way but I think the best groups are the ones that surprise you. The ones that you think might be tough or skeptical or difficult to win over but if you show up prepared and give them all you’ve got, they might just come around. Watching the light bulbs turn on and the energy in the room kick into high gear, those are special days.

CORE Agency What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

Seth Mattison
I’ve yet to meet a leader or work with a single industry that is not being impacted by the dynamic between the hierarchy and the network, one of the main areas of research for us at FutureSight Labs right now.

Every audience is made up of a core group of leaders that came of age in much more of a top down world based around an entirely different set of “unwritten rules” than colleagues under the age of 35 that have came of age in the network. The tension that exists between these two is actually being felt at all levels of society and all levels of power. This makes our talks incredibly relatable for people from all different background because they see it play out in their companies, in their communities, and also in the families. Gives people a lot to think about.

I had the good fortune of being raised on a 4th generation farm in Minnesota where I grew up working along side my father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather.

CORE Agency What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

Seth Mattison
I started formally studying workforce trends and generational dynamics almost 10 years ago but I’ve spent a lifetime learning about how each generation’s story shapes their view of the world and trends impacting our society.

I had the good fortune of being raised on a 4th generation farm in Minnesota where I grew up working along side my father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather. Three generations of men whose experiences ran from WWI to the Challenger Explosion and everything in between. They were history buffs and storytellers and created an environment where I was exposed to the idea that each generation has their own unique story.

I’ve taken those early lessons to fuel my work at FutureSight Labs where we focus on understanding and sharing these generational stories to help make sense of the cultural shifts we’re all experiencing both in society as well in our organizations and it’s become a powerful way to talk about change.

Love People. Serve People. Add Value. Have fun.

CORE Agency You've presented to audiences across the globe, in many industries. What makes a "Seth Mattison" keynote unique?

Seth Mattison
There are a few things I try to bring to stage beyond just subject matter expertise:

1. Gratitude. No matter where I am in the world and no matter who the group I’m working with is, I take some quite time prior to the program to give thanks for the opportunity. I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world to do this work, to share ideas with people all over the world and I try to never take that for granted. Each time I hit the stage it’s a gift and I think people can feel that energy when I’m up there.

2. I try really hard to not make it about me. As human beings we all have a tendency when we stand in front of a group of strangers to immediately begin the self-talk of; “Do they like me? Do they think I’m funny? Do they think I’m a fraud? Do they think I’m relevant? Do they think this or that?” You have to find a way to put your attention 100% on the audience and NOT make it about you.

I do this by writing a small note on a piece of paper before every speech that comes with me on stage. The note simply says, “Love People. Serve People. Add Value. Have fun.” It might sound cheesy but it’s a way for me to remember why I’m up there. I’ve found that if I keep these values at the center of my program, my authenticity shines through and I’m able to connect with people on a deeper level. It helps break through the barrier so the program starts to feel more like a conversation instead of stuffy speech.

3. Homework: the interviews we do with members before events have really been a game changer. When the group finds out that you cared enough to really try to understand their world, they’re more likely to buy in. They’re more likely to forgive you if you stumble over your words or forget a point. They know that you care and that you gave them your very best effort. I also try not to take myself to seriously. We’re definitely going to laugh during our time together.


"We had a speaker last year on Generations and we were concerned that the audience would not receive another speaker on the topic so soon. But the audience loved Seth - he had a different message and was able to give them tips on how to apply his message to their business. They walked away very motivated and with some great ideas."
Texas Association of Realtors
(Event booked by Speaking.com)

"Seth was the top rated keynote speaker at NCA’s 2013 State of the Industry Conference. He was utterly amazing, everyone in attendance couldn’t stop talking about him for days! He is a super star, over the top with knowledge, expertise, energy, creativity and brilliant speaking skills. He interviewed several of our attendees in advance and then customized his speech which really made it a home run. Seth made our conference a tremendous success and any organization that hires him to speak is certain to take their event to an entirely new level."
National Confectioners Association

“Seth did a fantastic job keynoting for us at our FMI Supply Chain Conference. He was spot on with all aspects of his presentation and his “prep work” on the front end set it all up. He was one of the most prepared and engaged speakers I have ever worked with. I am not surprised this has translated into increased momentum. I hope you’re getting all the engagements you can handle.”
Food Marketing Institute

“Seth Mattison is a force to be reckoned with. Seth spoke at one of our Leadership events and focused his message around “Managing 4 generations in the workplace”. His content was spot on. His keynote was engaging, interactive and connected directly with our audience. Seth did his homework and reached out to several members as well as visiting a member company before the event to ensure he was able to tie in “real-life issues” to the program."


In the past, it was likely that employees in a workplace understood the unspoken rules of communication that extended between themselves, their employers, and their customers or clients. Today, in the digital age, these rules no longer exist. And in a world without set guidelines for communicating, it is becoming increasingly important to taylor our methods of outreach to those we are reaching out to.

Seth Mattison understands what makes a good workforce; he understands that effective communication requires empathy and flexibility; and he understands that relationships between employees and their bosses and between workers and their clients must be based on the needs of the individual as well as the requirements of the overall work.

Mattison’s ideas are based on both recent data and experience; he incorporates his own skillset into his talks, but at the same time understands that there is information out there he may not have seen firsthand. He brings an energy and vitality to his speeches that engages audiences without distracting from the knowledge being conveyed. And most importantly, he exhibits the same understanding he expects those under his tutelage to learn.

Accelerating Accessibility: Strategies for Engaging the Connected Consumer
We’re witnessing the greatest fundamental shift the world has ever seen in the way we organize, collaborate, connect, and contribute. Whether it’s empowered clients connecting with your brand in new ways or engaged employees amplifying their voices, the walls that have divided us are crumbling down.

Leading this evolution is a new generation disrupting every industry and market segment they occupy. Digitally charged and hyper-connected, they are rewriting the rules of engagement. In response to this dynamic shift, a new ethos and view of the world will be required by brands today - one more human, authentic, and accessible to all.

In this session, Seth will bring to life this new-networked view of the world. He’ll offer new insights, best practice recommendations, and actionable tools to foster long-term loyalty and brand preference amongst the next generation of consumers.

Gen-Power: Unleashing the Potential of Every Generation
Take a look around your organization today. There's a good chance you working alongside 3 and possibly even 4 generations of talent. Going forward, the workforce is moving inexorably toward greater diversity. This dynamic can create crippling challenges or game changing advantages for teams that learn to recognize, understand, value, and ultimately tap the strategic perspective that lies within every generation. Fresh eyes alongside seasoned wisdom will be a fierce force in the new world of work. Gen-Power will help you harness it.

In this session, Seth will help you understand the histories, personalities, strengths and challenges of each unique generational group, while also sharing insights and best practices on leading, managing, recruiting and retaining colleagues of all ages and experience levels.

The Future of Work Today: Insights from the New World of Work
We are entering the greatest period of business transformation the world has ever known. The constant state of disruption we are experiencing mandates a bold new approach to leadership.

This program is designed to help leaders prepare to navigate a new business landscape where the pace of change is elevating and collaboration is the key ingredient to unleashing the innovation required to compete and win. Supported with cutting edge research and category leading case studies Seth will prepare audience participants today for what is going to be required to compete and thrive tomorrow.

Attendees of The Future of Work Today will gain:

    • Deep insights into what’s coming next in the new world of work for leaders at all levels.
    • Unique perspectives on the macro drivers of change and a deep understanding of how employees attitudes and behaviors are evolving.
    • A new framework to see beyond the fads and more clearly understand the trends certain to impact the business landscape over the coming decade.

Relationship Revolution: Building Better Connections in the Digital Age
In today’s super-wired, highly digital society, humans still crave social interaction and relationships. In business, creating strong relationships is the key to achieving success, both individually and as an organization.

What’s the secret for cultivating successful relationships, particularly in business? As more and more of lives play out virtually, connections can sometimes feel less than fulfilling. From Facebook to LinkedIn, Twitter to Foursquare, it’s important to remember just how powerful it can be to reach beyond the fiber optics and make that physical connection.

In The Relationship Revolution Seth will explore 5 key insights that will equip you for building better, stronger, more authentic relationships in the new world of work.

Attendees of The Relationship Revolution will gain:

    • Insights on the roadblocks preventing us from forming meaning relationships in the digital age.
    • New perspectives on the power of empathy, authenticity, and vulnerability to foster lasting bonds.
    • A road map and follow up plan to nurture and grow lasting relationships.

The Shift - Building Next Generation Enterprises for a Next Generation Workforce
For future focused organizations to succeed in the 21st Century a bold approach to management is needed. An approach where freedom, trust, and experimentation are not only embraced but encouraged.

The challenge is most organizations today have been constructed upon a model not built for this century. A model based on principles of top down command and control, centralized power and information. Characteristics not equipped for the dynamic changes happening in the new world of work.

In this program Seth offers a fresh perspective and call to action for leadership mavericks and trailblazers at all levels to begin the work of dismantling the rigid fixed structures holding organizations back from thriving in the new world of work.

Attendees of The Shift will gain:

    • Deep insights into the make or break challenges and roadblocks that hold leaders back from unleashing freedom inside the organization.
    • Fresh perspective on the changing landscape and management models for developing talent and driving innovation.
    • Confidence to challenge the status quo and a clear set of guideposts for conducting high-value, low risk management experiments.
    • A framework to guide their journey into the new world of work.

Exclusive Interview Seth Mattison
“"Start asking the people you interact with how they would like to be communicated with and stop judging it. The key is to learn how to meet people where they are without losing who you are." ”

Some of the fascinating subjects Seth discusses in this interview, include:

  • How to win in the "new world of work" by leveraging the gifts of all generations.
  • Tips for communicating better in the digital age.
  • How the "future of work" affects management style.
  • How leaders can harness the power of a multi-generational workforce.

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“I just wanted to send a quick follow-up note to say – THANK YOU! I appreciate your partnership, and perseverance in helping us to find the right speaker for our group. Our speaker was absolutely excellent! The group loved him; it was perfect.”
DeVry Education Group
DeVry Education Group
“Working with your speakers bureau has been a pleasure. Everyone on your team was extremely responsive and informative, and really helped us to customize our event. I will be sure to reach out to your agency again in the future with any speaker needs that I may have.”
The Advisory Board Company
The Advisory Board Company
“Everyone at your speakers agency were professional and helpful throughout the process, making it easy to book, communicate, and prepare for our event.”
Hewlett Packard
Hewlett Packard
“Working with your speakers agency on our training projects during the year proved to be a great business choice. I felt that my account reps were always around when I needed them, willing to help and listen. They showed flexibility when it was required and were reliable and dependable. ”
KPMG, Europe
KPMG, Europe
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Babcock & Wilcox
Babcock & Wilcox
“Your speakers bureau was a tremendous resource for the NHL as we planned and executed our NHL Club Business Meetings. Their assistance with securing our keynote was invaluable. They provided detailed information in a timely manner which was crucial to the success of the event. The execution was seamless! ”
National Hockey League
National Hockey League
“The retreat was extraordinary, professional, and personable. Everyone is still raving about it. They said it was the best experience of their lifetime. And, I would have to agree. I most certainly hope we have the opportunity to work together in the future.”
YPO: Young Presidents’ Organization
YPO: Young Presidents’ Organization
“I'm extremely impressed with your speakers bureau's follow-through, responsiveness and willingness to understand our needs so that he could match the best speakers with what we are looking for. I will definitely work with you again in the future. Thank you for all that you did to help us create an exceptional learning experience for our attendees.”
American Society of Association Executives
American Society of Association Executives
“Finding the appropriate speaker for an event is a challenge. Your stellar speakers agency made the process extremely easy. I would recommend your agency to anyone.”
Mercury University
Mercury University
“Our Account Executive is an extraordinary person. Always available, very kind and funny. Eager to help and always quick to respond. I have so much fun working with him. A very delightful experience. I hope continue working together for years to come!”
Credicorp Bank
Credicorp Bank
“Everyone at your speakers bureau was incredibly attentive and easy to work with; you have been a conference organizer's dream!”
ABS Capital Partners
ABS Capital Partners
“Our event was what I would call 'over the top'... The survey results were at 92% very favorable. The speakers formed such a good relationship with myself and others at the conference. I am confident we will bring them back to do more. I will definitely contact you when we are in need of additional services. You have been the best!”
American Express
American Express
“My Account Executive was able to work within my quick turn around time and price limitations to find the perfect speaker for the job. Although I thought finding and booking a speaker for our sales meeting would be the most difficult part of the planning process, your agency made it the easiest.”
Ales Group USA, Inc.
Ales Group USA, Inc.
“I will certainly recommend to others that they contact you for guest speakers in the future. It was a pleasure working with you as well. We all appreciate your professionalism and exemplary service.”
“SPEAKING.com does a wonderful job! Our AE always responds promptly and is very professional, thank you!”
“Our client rep was a pleasure to work with. He was well organized and kept me updated every step of the way. The level of professionalism and the quality of the materials received were excellent. I will be in touch for future speakers!”
“Our agent was great to work with. Very easy to reach when needed and promptly returned messages. Thank you for making our event such a big success, we are looking forward to working with you again soon!”
American Lung Association
American Lung Association
“My account executive was very professional as well as patient with us. The entire experience of working with your agency was cordial and professional, with attention to all the, sometimes complicated, important details.”
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
“It was an extreme pleasure to work with our account rep. She was friendly, flexible, and knowledgeable about all their speakers. She made the process simple. I cannot begin to put into words the impact that our speaker had on our audience. People are still taking about his presentation and his program set a standard on all diversity programs.”
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
“I so appreciated my representative for his responsiveness and for the ease with which I could communicate with him. This was my first time having to secure the talent for our program myself, and I could not have asked for a better experience with your speakers agency.”
Mayor’s Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity for Columbus, GA
Mayor’s Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity for Columbus, GA
“Once again our agent did an outstanding job. Not only did he provide me with a number of options for potential speakers but he helped with seeing who was available, when they could speak, and getting everything done in a timely fashion. I look forward to working with him again.”
Auburn University
Auburn University
“Our Account Executive was a pleasure to work with to arrange our keynote presenter for the Sustainable Brands Sydney Conference. He was swift to respond and his communication was always clear. If I am looking for international speakers, I will think of SPEAKING.com in future.”
Sustainable Brands
Sustainable Brands
Core: the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
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