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Jim Cathcart
California, USA
Speaker Fee Range SPEAKING FEE RANGE ** Please note that while this speaker’s specific speaking fee falls within the range posted above (for Continental U.S. based events), fees are subject to change. For current fee information or international event fees (which are generally 50-75% more than U.S based event fees), please contact us.
$15,000 to $20,000
Book This Core Agency Speaker BOOK JIM CATHCART
Jim Cathcart
California, USA
$15,000 to $20,000
Email Core Agency Book Jim Cathcart
  • Cathcart is a self-taught authority on the subject of motivation, and the creator of “relationship selling.”
  • Cathcart worked his way from government desk clerk to an inductee in the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame, international speaker, author of 15 books, and a TEDx video sensation with more than 800,000 views.
  • While working as a clerk, Cathcart decided to change his life and master the process of self-improvement. Forty years later, Cathcart has helped thousands of people change their lives, think differently about selling, and increase customer loyalty to their business.
  • Cathcart is the author of 15 books, including two international best sellers: Relationship Selling and The Acorn Principle.

Jim Cathcart described himself in the mid-1970s as an out-of-shape, overweight clerk with no connections and no money. Today, he’s a top sales influencer, has been inducted into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame in London, and the Speaker Hall of Fame. His TEDx video is in the top 1% with nearly 800,000 views.

Cathcart is best known as the creator of “relationship selling,” now a common phrase used in business worldwide. Cathcart is a business strategist and psychological researcher. He also is a regular guy who has worked in warehouses, driven trucks, sold door to door, been a bank teller and bill collector, sold insurance, served in the U.S. Army, and toured much of the world on his motorcycle. He has more than 40 years of professional speaking experience, delivering thousands of presentations to audiences across the world.

In 1972, he decided to become an authority on the subject of motivation. While working as a government clerk for the Housing Authority, he learned psychology and mastered the process of self-improvement. Years later, he became a certified trainer for a variety of self-improvement programs, and moved from clerk to manager to sales person to trainer, author and professional speaker.

He is the author of 15 books, including two international best sellers: Relationship Selling and The Acorn Principle. His newest book is The Self-Motivation Handbook. He has been awarded some of the highest honors for a professional speaker: the Cavett Award (1993), the Golden Gavel Award (2001), Lifetime Achievement Award (2003), Legends of the Speaking Profession (2008), and the San Diego Chapter of NSA has renamed its member-of-the-year award “The Jim Cathcart Service Award.” In 2010 and 2011, Cathcart was selected a “top five speaker on sales & customer service” in an internet survey of more than 14,000 meeting planners. He co-founded the Professional Speaking Institute and is the author of the professional education program used by the National Speakers Association.

Now in his mid-60s, Cathcart describes himself as a full-time speaker and author, active mountain trail runner, motorcyclist, proud grandfather and active civic leader in Thousand Oaks, California. He’s been married for more than 40 years, and he regularly plays guitar, sings and performs in night clubs and at conferences worldwide.

Jim CathcartI’m a performer at heart and can’t wait to get in front of a group and bring them some value.

CORE Agency What do you find most rewarding, speaking or writing books?

Jim Cathcart
Both, but for different reasons. I love writing, thinking, collaborating, researching and publishing. And, I also really love speaking, training and coaching. I’m a performer at heart and can’t wait to get in front of a group and bring them some value. When I reflect on my career of over 3,000 speeches and 16 books I find that both of them give me great satisfaction. I want to help people succeed any way I can reach them.

CORE Agency What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

Jim Cathcart
I want people to have more admiration for what they do - and why it matters. I want them to feel more confident in their abilities and I want them to feel motivated to become even better every day. I also want them to treasure the connections they have and can have with others.

CORE Agency How to you prepare for your speaking engagements?

Jim Cathcart
I once tracked every action I took to prepare for a presentation and found that I was spending 28 unique hours of focused attention on each one or two hour speech. Today that is much less because I’ve streamlined many of the steps but I still research every client online and through telephone or in person conversations or site visits.

I always show up early on site and make myself accessible 24/7 while I’m there. I also stay out of the way until it’s my turn to speak. The meeting planner has many more things to focus on without having to worry about their speaker. On the day before and the day of my speech I review ALL of my notes on this engagement. I want it in the front of my mind, not in a file in my memory.

CORE Agency Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

Jim Cathcart
I’ve had many! I’ve driven all night in a rainstorm to fulfill a non-paid speech for a friend in need. I’ve spoken to adversarial audiences who were being fired or forced to do something they didn’t want to do. Once I was brought into a meeting in a rodeo arena in a monster truck at full speed and then had to jump down to the stage (in my suit and wingtip shoes). I’ve delivered a speech after dinner and excessive cocktails had overwhelmed the audience. As emcee of an event where Bruce Jenner was speaking I appeared in a cameo role on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.”

I’ve had buildings catch on fire; I’ve led building evacuations; power outages (speaking in the dark); medical emergencies; a drunk staggering in to our meeting and challenging me to a fight; a death notice just before my introduction; loud events next door to our meeting; sound systems that didn’t work; I’ve had to reset a full meeting room myself because a surly houseman got it wrong; I’ve had my time cut from 1 hour to 15 minutes and I’ve filled in for other speakers who couldn’t make it.

I’ve given a speech outdoors by a pool while topless sunbathers lounged nearby (talk about handling distractions!). I’ve been booked for one speech and then scheduled for two in the printed program. I’ve had a cynical client tell me at the event, “We won’t be paying you because we are in financial trouble and so you’ll just have to sue me.” That was before I gave my speech! (I gave the speech anyway and swallowed the fee and expenses.).

BUT, I’ve also had some of the finest experiences a person could dream of: I keynoted the opening ceremonies of the US Special Olympics before 13,500 people; had 1,000 people chanting “We Love Jim!” recently as I entered the convention at another event; I’ve met the president of the United States in the White House; stayed at luxurious hotels and resorts; had helicopter tours of Australia; completed motorcycle adventures in the Alps and the Rockies; had back stage access to celebrities and enjoyed world-class everything!

This is the greatest career I can imagine. I have been blessed so much that I doubt I’d have experienced more if I were a movie star or Olympic champion. Thank you God for this truly blessed life!

Those who relate best to my message are those who wish to take charge of their own success and do what is needed to make it happen. That is usually entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders at all levels plus sales people.

CORE Agency What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

Jim Cathcart
People who want to succeed are my best audience; Success-Seekers is what I call them. Those who relate best to my message are those who wish to take charge of their own success and do what is needed to make it happen. That is usually entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders at all levels plus sales people. I can motivate the line workers too but it’s the decision-makers and action-takers who get it best.

CORE Agency Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

Jim Cathcart
I only speak on my favorite topics so all of them appeal to me. My belief is that life can be more abundant for everyone; so all of my talks are designed to help people find more reasons to believe in themselves and to see how to take initiative to make their world better and to serve others better.

CORE Agency What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

Jim Cathcart
When I heard Earl Nightingale on the radio and then on tape back in the 1970s I was inspired and decided that I wanted to learn to do what he was doing: I wanted to help people succeed. But first I needed to become successful, so I followed his advice fanatically for over 5 years and then became a speaker to teach others to do the same.

In 1972 I heard Earl on the radio. In 1974 I was selling his recordings door to door to businesses and in 1984 Earl’s company was selling my recordings. In the first 2 years of publication my first Nightingale product “Relationship Strategies” (coauthored with Dr. Tony Alessandra) sold over $3 ½ million dollars worldwide.

When Earl passed away his widow Diana and I were the only 2 speakers on his memorial program. The audience was hundreds of his fellow speakers and friends, including his son. Think of that! I heard him on the radio when I was a government clerk in 1972 and after his messages helped me transform my life I ended up being invited to be the only outside speaker at this great man’s memorial service. What a privilege and honor.

My main goal is to engage my audience in active consideration of the ideas through interaction, examples, stories, laughter, exercises, visuals and adding entertainment (like guitar) when appropriate.

CORE Agency How much do case studies, personal stories and/or humor factor into your keynote speech content?

Jim Cathcart
I am a “playful” presenter with a serious message. My style is casual and professional. I interact directly with my audience and become their friend and fellow learner. My talks are filled with personal stories and examples.

My main goal is to engage my audience in active consideration of the ideas through interaction, examples, stories, laughter, exercises, visuals and adding entertainment (like guitar) when appropriate. I’m always appropriate to the nature of the event whether it is formal or casual.

CORE Agency What are some of the successes you've helped clients make?

Jim Cathcart
My first long-term client was the Tulsa agency of Mass Mutual Life. I worked with them for 6 years and we went from struggling to survive to winning the President’s Trophy twice in 5 years.
My role was sales coach and management advisor.

Another company’s audience member in Chicago took my “Daily Question” idea and became their international sales leader, then went on to become a multi-millionaire business owner.

I’ve led a volunteer team of 75 people to raise $240,000 in one night at the first public event ever held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library’s Air Force One Pavilion (Oct. 2005).

One current client has brought me back 9 times now to inspire their top sales leaders and they are ranked in the top 50 in their field by Training & Development magazine.

Another current client has me on a multi-year contract to grow their leadership team.

My 110 video programs on Thrive15.com are highly popular and we are growing a broad base of new subscribers.

In my own industry I led the transformation of the National Speakers Association through the creation of their Professional Competencies system for profession education and certification. I was their national president and served 10 years on the board.

As co-creator of The Professional Speaking Institute I’ve trained scores of other speakers, authors and celebrities in the growth of their careers and refinement of their skills. It is one of my greatest life satisfactions to see how others have used my ideas to transform their own lives and careers.


"Jim was very accommodating and flexible. He demonstrated a high degree of professionalism with our conference attendees. We were happy to have him, thank you! We will definitely recommend him to others."
Elm Resources
(Event Booked by Speakers Platform)

"You really did blow me away. You were the rage of our conference. Not only was your style and warmth fantastic, but the quality of the knowledge and material you presented was absolutely incredible!"
Ken Blanchard, author, "The One Minute Manager"

"You were incredible. Your program held the attendees on the edge of their seat. It wasn′t just entertaining, it was useful and can be applied immediately."
Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc.

"We had high hopes. You exceeded all our expectations....and you were a delight to work with."
McRae′s Department Stores

"Jim, you are the first professional speaker I have brought into this organization. Our distributors, from all over the U.S., Canada and a dozen foreign countries were absolutely delighted with your comments, observations and humor. The standing ovation they gave you at the end of your presentation is a clear statement of how they felt about you."
Brian Tracy International

"...you were right on target in your message to our people... obviously did your homework... found the right message to really reach our people and leave a meaningful message and impression. My compliments on a job exceptionally well done!"
Purina Mills, Inc.

"I was overwhelmed with people coming up to me and saying what a great speaker you were!"
National Westminster Bancorp, Inc.

"Personally, I was also impressed with the time you took... to learn more about Melroe Company, our products, and our people. I would like the ability to give each of our field representatives a copy of the video tape of your remarks for use for internal dealership training."
Melroe Company

"Thanks for being a real person, not a personality ... for being prepared, on time and gracious .... for telling stories, not lecturing... for hitting the mark. Our managers walked away inspired."
Bombay Co.

Partial Client List:

  • ASAE
  • Motorola
  • Mass Mutual
  • Prudential
  • Norwest Bank
  • Becton Dickinson
  • John Deere
  • Levi Strauss
  • U.S. Air Force


    Jim Cathcart uses a combination of stories, audience interaction, how-to examples and applicable ideas to inspire his audience to take a new look at selling, building customer relationships, and nurturing personal growth. His compelling personal story personifies his “Acorn Principle,” and his variety of work and career experiences have helped him form the ideas around the ground-breaking concept of relationship selling.


    Intelligent Motivation for a Challenging World
    Knowledge and Skill will not win the day, but Confident Action can change your world. Learn how to increase your drive, strengthen your discipline, and sustain the action that is needed to succeed. Intelligent Motivation (tm) is determining what is important, identifying what action is needed, and doing what is necessary to generate and sustain that action until your desired outcome is achieved. It is Conscious, Objective, Intentional & Relentless Action on Vision, Focus, Standards, Meaning, Agreements, Measures & Rewards. In this program, Jim will teach you how to inspire vision, take focused action, create firm standards, make your work more meaningful, develop clear agreements, accurate measures, and appealing rewards.

    Relationship Selling

    The Eight Competencies of Sales Excellence
    We need to rethink how we connect with our customers and suppliers, before our competition does. When Jim Cathcart wrote the book Relationship Selling it was considered revolutionary. Today it is considered standard practice. This presentation shows you what to listen for, how to be natural in your selling style, and how to connect with the underlying elements in buying psychology that most people never heard of.


    Rethinking Ourselves For a New Era
    "If you can′t lead yourself, please don′t lead others." The most popular methods of leadership, management, sales and service delivery are already dangerously out of date. New technologies require new ways of thinking. Every day another standard practice becomes obsolete. To continue to grow and thrive we must learn to constantly Rethink: our markets, our systems, our relationships, our strategies and ourselves. This presentation combines stories, visuals, research and audience interaction to dramatically improve the way we think and act.

    Helping People Grow

    The Acorn Principle
    Every person can be very good at certain things, but most people don′t know what those things are. Jim shows people how to find and grow their natural strengths so that they can always be self-motivated. Based on nine years of psychological research into personal effectiveness. A fascinating exploration of what makes us who we are, and how to use it.

    Lifetime Customer Loyalty

    The Grandma Factor
    When you find meaning in what you do, you bring value to what you do. Everyone knows how to provide good service; our challenge is getting them to want to. The real magic in customer service comes from discretionary efforts, when people go beyond their job description. This presentation focuses on the ways systems, strategies, standards and relationships impact service. Jim teaches building your clientele through "Up-Serving."


    The Eight Competencies of Relationship Selling: How to Reach the Top 1% in Just 15 Extra Minutes a Day (Hardcover)

    If you were to spend just fifteen minutes each day gaining one new sales idea or sharpening a skill, within just a few years you could become an industry leader. THE EIGHT COMPETENCIES gives you the simple essential elements for your self-directed performance improvement. As you grow your knowledge base, you will gain self-mastery. This competency based book involves the incorporation of "emotional intelligence" into your sales career as well as the profit-focused "hard-skills."

    Jim Cathcart’s sales philosophy is quite simple – Business should be practiced as an act of friendship, rather than merely as a process of negotiation. It is about connecting with people profitably, not merely persuading them to buy.

    Order Here

    The Acorn Principle: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself

    Cathcart, a popular motivational speaker easily as successful as Anthony Robbins or Stephen Covey, condenses his self-discovery module into a self-awareness system based on discovering and learning to work with one′s true nature. He claims that if all adults explore how their values, type of intelligence, velocity (high, medium, low), background, behavior patterns, and thinking/learning styles operate they can find healthier, happier, livelier relationships.

    Once the reader works through the book and discovers his or her "acorn profile," it becomes a useful tool for self-definition and developing appropriate, complementary relationships at home and at work. Each chapter is peppered with thought-provoking questions and exercises. Recommended for collections requiring more in the motivational psychology/personal success sections.

    Order Here

    Exclusive Interview Jim Cathcart
    “I define a relationship as: a direct connection between people in which value is exchanged.”

    In this interview, Jim discusses:

    • "UpServing" versus "UpSelling."
    • Self-awareness and knowing your nature.
    • How to connect with people profitably, not merely persuading them to buy.

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    “Everyone at your speakers bureau was incredibly attentive and easy to work with; you have been a conference organizer's dream!”
    ABS Capital Partners
    ABS Capital Partners
    “This has been one of the most outstanding speaker agencies I have had in my 25+ years in the hospitality industry. They have helped my company secure speakers for years to the delight of my attendees. They have secured high profile speakers, even within the confines of a tight turnaround and an even tighter budget. I recommend their services without hesitation. They are truly leaders in their profession looking out for their clients: excellent is all I can say!”
    “Your speakers bureau was a tremendous resource for the NHL as we planned and executed our NHL Club Business Meetings. Their assistance with securing our keynote was invaluable. They provided detailed information in a timely manner which was crucial to the success of the event. The execution was seamless! ”
    National Hockey League
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    “Our Account Executive is an extraordinary person. Always available, very kind and funny. Eager to help and always quick to respond. I have so much fun working with him. A very delightful experience. I hope continue working together for years to come!”
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    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    “I just wanted to send a quick follow-up note to say – THANK YOU! I appreciate your partnership, and perseverance in helping us to find the right speaker for our group. Our speaker was absolutely excellent! The group loved him; it was perfect.”
    DeVry Education Group
    DeVry Education Group
    “Everyone at your speakers agency were professional and helpful throughout the process, making it easy to book, communicate, and prepare for our event.”
    Hewlett Packard
    Hewlett Packard
    “I so appreciated my representative for his responsiveness and for the ease with which I could communicate with him. This was my first time having to secure the talent for our program myself, and I could not have asked for a better experience with your speakers agency.”
    Mayor’s Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity for Columbus, GA
    Mayor’s Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity for Columbus, GA
    “Our Account Executive was a pleasure to work with to arrange our keynote presenter for the Sustainable Brands Sydney Conference. He was swift to respond and his communication was always clear. If I am looking for international speakers, I will think of SPEAKING.com in future.”
    Sustainable Brands
    Sustainable Brands
    “Our client rep was a pleasure to work with. He was well organized and kept me updated every step of the way. The level of professionalism and the quality of the materials received were excellent. I will be in touch for future speakers!”
    “It was an extreme pleasure to work with our account rep. She was friendly, flexible, and knowledgeable about all their speakers. She made the process simple. I cannot begin to put into words the impact that our speaker had on our audience. People are still taking about his presentation and his program set a standard on all diversity programs.”
    FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    “Our agent was great to work with. Very easy to reach when needed and promptly returned messages. Thank you for making our event such a big success, we are looking forward to working with you again soon!”
    American Lung Association
    American Lung Association
    “Once again our agent did an outstanding job. Not only did he provide me with a number of options for potential speakers but he helped with seeing who was available, when they could speak, and getting everything done in a timely fashion. I look forward to working with him again.”
    Auburn University
    Auburn University
    “I'm extremely impressed with your speakers bureau's follow-through, responsiveness and willingness to understand our needs so that he could match the best speakers with what we are looking for. I will definitely work with you again in the future. Thank you for all that you did to help us create an exceptional learning experience for our attendees.”
    American Society of Association Executives
    American Society of Association Executives
    “The retreat was extraordinary, professional, and personable. Everyone is still raving about it. They said it was the best experience of their lifetime. And, I would have to agree. I most certainly hope we have the opportunity to work together in the future.”
    YPO: Young Presidents’ Organization
    YPO: Young Presidents’ Organization
    “Our event was what I would call 'over the top'... The survey results were at 92% very favorable. The speakers formed such a good relationship with myself and others at the conference. I am confident we will bring them back to do more. I will definitely contact you when we are in need of additional services. You have been the best!”
    American Express
    American Express
    “Our account rep was fantastic; he is very responsive, handled registration for our speaker, submitted the contract and invoice quickly - so easy to work with. Thank you!”
    “Working with your speakers agency on our training projects during the year proved to be a great business choice. I felt that my account reps were always around when I needed them, willing to help and listen. They showed flexibility when it was required and were reliable and dependable. ”
    KPMG, Europe
    KPMG, Europe
    “Finding the appropriate speaker for an event is a challenge. Your stellar speakers agency made the process extremely easy. I would recommend your agency to anyone.”
    Mercury University
    Mercury University
    “SPEAKING.com / Core Agency were very helpful in every way possible. I would recommend them to others and we will most definitely secure all our future conference speakers through them again.”
    Babcock & Wilcox
    Babcock & Wilcox
    “I will certainly recommend to others that they contact you for guest speakers in the future. It was a pleasure working with you as well. We all appreciate your professionalism and exemplary service.”
    “Working with your speakers bureau has been a pleasure. Everyone on your team was extremely responsive and informative, and really helped us to customize our event. I will be sure to reach out to your agency again in the future with any speaker needs that I may have.”
    The Advisory Board Company
    The Advisory Board Company
    “Our speakers were absolutely outstanding and top class. Once again, thank you for making this happen for us. You have been outstanding and the best speakers bureau we have ever worked with!”
    “SPEAKING.com does a wonderful job! Our AE always responds promptly and is very professional, thank you!”
    “My Account Executive was able to work within my quick turn around time and price limitations to find the perfect speaker for the job. Although I thought finding and booking a speaker for our sales meeting would be the most difficult part of the planning process, your agency made it the easiest.”
    Ales Group USA, Inc.
    Ales Group USA, Inc.
    Core: the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
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