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Chester Elton
New Jersey, USA
Speaker Fee Range SPEAKING FEE RANGE ** Please note that while this speaker’s specific speaking fee falls within the range posted above (for Continental U.S. based events), fees are subject to change. For current fee information or international event fees (which are generally 50-75% more than U.S based event fees), please contact us.
$20,000 to $25,000
Book This Core Agency Speaker BOOK CHESTER ELTON
Chester Elton
New Jersey, USA
$20,000 to $25,000
Email Core Agency Book Chester Elton
  • The “apostle of appreciation,” eager to share that the best way to motivate others is through encouragement and recognition.
  • Author of the bestselling leadership books What Motivates Me, All In, and The Carrot Principle, translated into 30 languages worldwide with over a million copies sold.
  • #12 among Global Gurus’ 30 top leadership gurus.

Chester Elton has a gift for motivating others, and he’s made a career of helping business leaders employ his tried-and-true tactics for ensuring employees feel valued, inspired, and energized to achieve. His bestselling leadership books What Motivates Me, All In, and The Carrot Principle have become global resources, translated into over 30 languages and selling over a million copies worldwide.

Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper calls Elton the “apostle of appreciation,” and “appreciation” is key – Elton understands that the best way to motivate others is to encourage them with frequent and effective recognition of their efforts. His positive message of empowerment has become a sought-after resource, and he consults for organizations including American Express, Avis Budget Group and Cigna.

Elton’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Fast Company, and the New York Times, and he’s a frequent commentator on television and radio outlets including NBC’s “Today Show,” CNN, ABC, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and CBS’ “60 Minutes.” Global Gurus ranked Elton #12 among the 30 top leadership gurus of 2013.

Chester EltonI want people to understand that anyone can create a great place to work where people believe what they do matters...

CORE Agency What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

Chester Elton
I want people to understand that anyone can create a great place to work where people believe what they do matters and they can make a difference – that when we really strive to know each other better we can be productive, engaged and energized at work. It is a matter of making it a priority.

Also I want people to know that these wonderful principles work at home as well. Let’s not leave our best selves at work. Let’s bring that home to our families too!

CORE Agency What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How to you prepare for your speaking engagements?

Chester Elton
I love to have a couple of pre-conference calls to get to know the companies and the leadership that I will present to. The more I can learn about the culture the more effectively the message will be received. I have often visited the companies’ locations and had one on one’s with employees. It all helps to shape sessions that will have lasting impacts.

CORE Agency Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

Chester Elton
International engagements are always memorable. You are never sure that the translator is conveying the same message. Additionally, when flights are late and you are jet lagged it presents interesting dynamics on stage. I had a case of food poisoning once that made presenting pretty tricky!!

AV challenges can be exciting; for example, sometimes the power goes off. One time the fire alarm went off during my presentation. That was particularly exciting!! People were grabbing their laptops and running for the doors! Ha Ha Ha!

Over the years pretty much everything has happened. In the end it all works out. It is all great fun and makes for wonderful memories.

When people feel valued every part of their lives gets better.

CORE Agency What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

Chester Elton
I don’t think there is an audience that can’t benefit from our messages. They apply to appreciating and engaging the people around you at work and at home. What I love most about what we do is that its application is universal. I have used these principles of engagement and appreciation at home, with the kids I work with in inner cities and even at Boy Scouts. When people feel valued every part of their lives gets better.

CORE Agency Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

Chester Elton
That’s like asking which child do you love the most! They are all wonderful topics and I enjoy every session. Whether it is the carrot of recognition, culture or motivation and teamwork, one common thread that is always there is the idea that we celebrate our successes. A culture of appreciation is always present in great teams and cultures. Great work happens in places where people are valued and appreciated.

CORE Agency What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

Chester Elton
After we had written a few books people asked us to speak. So we did! It has been very rewarding to take what we have written in our books and bring it to life on the stage. We have had many great mentors in speaking that have helped and crafted our message. It has been more fun than we had ever imagined!

People will forget the numbers but remember the stories.

CORE Agency How much do case studies, personal stories and/or humor factor into your keynote speech content?

Chester Elton
All of the above! The data has always been the foundation of our work. The case studies bring the data to life and the humor makes it memorable. People will forget the numbers but remember the stories. If you can make them laugh it really brings it all together: great data + the case studies to validate the data and the humor to make sure they remember it days and weeks later. It is a wonderful formula, and fun too!

CORE Agency What are some of the successes you've helped clients make?

Chester Elton
I am always gratified to get a note or an email after a session from a manager or leader who has applied what we talked about and found success. Sometimes it has helped them connect in a more meaningful way with their team. The influence of my work really sinks in when I get a note from a manager who has applied the principle at home. That’s when you know you have made a difference!


“You were simply outstanding. Specifically, your suggestions on low-cost-no-cost appreciation were well-worth stealing. Thank you for inspiring us and entertaining us, for making us laugh and for making us sing. We have been talking about how much we thoroughly enjoyed the show. Thank you forever, on behalf of all who were inspired.”
Jennifer Granholm
Governor of Michigan

“We’ve seen first hand just how important recognition is within an organization of our size. Chester Elton’s presentation and the results of his survey made everyone in attendance really stand up and take notice.”
Mohini Patel
Royal Mail

"Chester Elton has his finger on the pulse on what any industry needs to develop a positive workforce and build loyalty.”
Hard Rock

"Worth the trip alone...very relevant...best in event...what a performer!"
European HR Directors Business Summit

"Chester excites audiences by making recognition fun and a daily opportunity. More importantly, he shows how giving the gift of a carrot can improve the lives of those in your care as well as your own. Our company is better because of Chester’s involvement."
Scott Northcutt
Global Human Resource Officer
DHL Express

"Anyone would be fortunate to have the opportunity to bring Chester into their organization. His enthusiasm for the topic....and his ability to bring that alive for all levels of an organization from front-line employees to executives is well worth the time, effort and money."
Paul Andrews
Senior Vice President
Horace Mann

"High energy...he′s fun... He′s the best keynote we′ve ever had. I can′t say enough good things Chester."
Ray Blanchette
President and CEO
Joe′s Crab Shack

"Chester’s presentation was very insightful and really hammered home the point that recognition is such an effective way to engage the hearts and minds of an entire workforce. It stands to reason that every employee likes to be acknowledged, but one of the most important points that Chester raised, was the vital role that each manager plays in communicating this and effectively delivering this recognition to each and every one of their employees”
Michaela Wright
HR Director
First Direct/HSBC

"99% of our senior executives rated Chester’s session excellent or good!"
Holly Lampier
Director, Leadership & Management Education
Motorola University


Following a presentation in Germany, DHL employees dubbed Chester Elton and his colleague the “deacons of dankeschöen,” and just a few minutes in Elton’s presence will help audiences understand why. Elton’s passion for appreciation shines through each of his presentations, inspiring audiences toward greater – and ultimately more productive – heights of caring for each other.

Elton’s The Carrot Principle revealed that a ten-year study of 200,000 people found dramatically stronger business results when leadership took the time to offer constructive praise and ensure their employees felt valued. These conclusions demonstrate that while human kindness may be a desirable moral quality, it’s also very lucrative. Elton helps audiences understand the impact of recognition and learn how to put appreciation into practice.

Appropriate recognition is essential to success in many different areas of business, and Elton offers tailored presentations that address specific issues. One great team can change an entire organization, and Elton provides useful tools for improving teamwork that will generate increasing returns. Each employee has hidden potential, and Elton will help listeners unlock that individual potential.

Throughout, audiences are entertained by Elton’s lighthearted approach. A man who truly cares about people and their happiness, Elton injects each presentation with humor and a teacher’s enthusiasm for clear, readily applicable communication.

The Carrot Principle: Engaging Employees through Recognition
A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Carrot Principle has become the preeminent source on employee engagement and recognition. Based on his runaway bestseller, The Carrot Principle workshop or keynote reveals the ground breaking results of one of the most in-depth management studies ever undertaken, showing definitively that the central characteristic of the most successful managers is that they provide their employees with frequent and effective recognition. This breakthrough study of 200,000 people over ten years found dramatically greater business results when managers offered constructive praise and meaningful rewards in ways that powerfully motivated employees to excel.

Drawing on case studies from leading companies including Disney, KPMG and The Pepsi Bottling Group, the bestselling author shows how the transformative power of purpose-based recognition produces astonishing increases in operating results. Elton shows how great managers lead with carrots, not sticks and in doing so achieve higher:

  • Productivity
  • Engagement
  • Retention
  • Customer Satisfaction

This exceptional presentation introduces the simple steps to becoming a Carrot Principle manager and to building a recognition culture in your organization; it offers a wealth of specific examples, drawn from real-life cases, of ways to do recognition right. Following these simple steps will make you a high-performance leader and take your team to a new level of achievement.

The Orange Revolution: How One Great Team Can Change an Organization
New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling authors Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick have once again transformed the corporate playing field with The Orange Revolution, recognized worldwide as the premiere book on how breakthrough teams and teamwork revolutionize a company, a community, and the world.

The Orange Revolution Keynote highlights the key traits found inside the world’s most stellar teams. Chester illustrates the steps these teams took to conquer barriers, exceed expectations, and overcome mediocrity through brilliant collaboration. This presentation reveals the synergy that exists among teams in the world’s most respected and innovative organizations— and how to tap into that power within any group of individuals.

Drawing on startling research and case studies from leading teams at Zappos, Pepsi Bottling Company, The Blue Angels, Texas Roadhouse, Apple, and numerous others, the Orange Revolution Keynote shows how true teamwork produces results that change the world and can immediately increase:

  • Productivity
  • Engagement
  • Loyalty
  • Innovation
  • Bottom-line Results

This must-see presentation introduces the simple steps to inspiring an Orange Revolution in your organization— through easy, prescriptive, outcome-based applications that can be implemented today.

The Invisible Employee: Unleashing Hidden Potential
There is a crisis in business today - the potential of your employees and new hires is being trapped, squashed or just overlooked. Only one keynote speaker is unraveling the truth - ripping through Fortune 500 companies with a bag full of keys to unlock the power of your people. Based on the New York Times best selling book, The Invisible Employee, Chester Elton can unlock the hidden potential of your workforce.

Elton enlightens, inspires and energizes audiences. He shares why many employees today feel over-looked, ignored and completely unappreciated. And, he exposes why employees respond to those feelings with negative reactions—doing just enough to get by, grumbling about work and passing toxic attitudes on to other team members. After all, why bother shining when no one notices your achievements? The Invisible Employee keynote leverages hard-won wisdom, with Elton’s renowned blazing energy, humor and real life examples. Across the globe and into the most recognized companies, Chester Elton is helping managers combat one of the most common negative forces in business—smart employees hiding from their potential and never doing more than is asked. Elton shows managers how to:

  • Engage or re-ignite an employee’s passion for work
  • Stimulate a new-hire’s onboarding experience
  • Recognize employees to accelerate performance
  • Minimize attrition and increase retention
  • Build a culture based on trust and appreciation
  • Setting clear goals and seeing the right behaviors

The Invisible Employee Keynote is inspiring managers worldwide to create organizations jam-packed with productive employees who feel noticed, valued and appreciated.

Carrot Principle

The Orange Revolution: How One Great Team Can Transform an Entire Organization
From New York Times bestselling authors and renowned leadership consultants Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton comes a groundbreaking guide to building high-performance teams.

What is the true driver of a thriving organization’s exceptional success? Is it a genius leader? An iron-clad business plan? Gostick and Elton shatter these preconceptions of corporate achievement. Their research shows that breakthrough success is guided by a particular breed of high-performing team that generates its own momentum—an engaged group of colleagues in the trenches, working passionately together to pursue a shared vision. Their research also shows that only 20 percent of teams are working anywhere near this optimal capacity. How can your team become one of them?

Based on a groundbreaking 350,000-person study by the Best Companies Group, as well as extraordinary research into exceptional teams at leading companies, including Zappos.com, Pepsi Beverages Company, and Madison Square Garden, the authors have determined a key set of characteristics displayed by members of breakthrough teams, and have identified a set of rules great teams live by, which generate a culture of positive teamwork and lead to extraordinary results. Using a wealth of specific stories from the breakthrough teams they studied, they reveal in detail how these teams operate and how managers can transform their own teams into such high performers by fostering:

  • Stronger clarity of goals
  • Greater trust among team members
  • More open and honest dialogue
  • Stronger accountability for all team members
  • Purpose-based recognition of team members’ contributions

The remarkable stories they tell about these teams in action provide a simple and powerful step-by-step guide to taking your team to the breakthrough level, igniting the passion and vision to bring about an Orange Revolution.
Order Here

The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance
Got carrotphobia? Do you think that recognizing your employees will distract you and your team from more serious business, create jealousy, or make you look soft?

Think again.

The Carrot Principle reveals the groundbreaking results of one of the most in-depth management studies ever undertaken, showing definitively that the central characteristic of the most successful managers is that they provide their employees with frequent and effective recognition. With independent research from The Jackson Organization and analysis by bestselling leadership experts Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, this breakthrough study of 200,000 people over ten years found dramatically greater business results when managers offered constructive praise and meaningful rewards in ways that powerfully motivated employees to excel.

Drawing on case studies from leading companies including Disney, DHL, KPMG and Pepsi Bottling Group, bestselling authors Gostick and Elton show how the transformative power of purpose-based recognition produces astonishing increases in operating results-whether measured by return on equity, return on assets, or operating margin. And they show how great managers lead with carrots, not sticks, and in doing so achieve higher:

  • Productivity
  • Engagement
  • Retention
  • Customer satisfaction

The Carrot Principle illustrates that the relationship between recognition and improved business results is highly predictable-it′s proven to work. But it′s not the employee recognition some of us have been using for years. It is recognition done right, recognition combined with four other core traits of effective leadership.

Gostick and Elton explain the remarkably simple but powerful methods great managers use to provide their employees with effective recognition, which all managers can easily learn and begin practicing for immediate results. Great recognition doesn′t take time-it can be done in a matter of moments-and it doesn′t take budget-busting amounts of money.

This exceptional book, sure to become a modern-day classic, presents the simple steps to becoming a Carrot Principle manager and to building a recognition culture in your organization, offering a wealth of specific examples, culled from real-life cases, of the ways to do recognition right. Following these simple steps will make you a high performance leader and take your team to a new level of achievement.
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The Invisible Employee: Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone
There is a crisis in business today: the invisible employee. Feeling threatened, ignored, and unappreciated, invisible employees fight back the only way they know how—by staying hidden in the corporate shadows, doing just enough to get by, grumbling about this and that, and passing these techniques along to new workers. After all, why bother shining when no one notices your achievements? Why bother trying when you could be let go in the next batch of layoffs?

A business fable packed with hard-won wisdom, The Invisible Employee follows a group of people who live and work together on a mysterious island. In this second edition—updated with new case studies and current survey results—managers learn how to combat one of the most common negative attitudes in business: that smart employees keep their heads down and never do more than is asked.

Bestselling authors Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton show how effective leaders change this mind-set by engaging their people in their cause—setting clear goals, encouraging productive behavior, and celebrating every success along the way. The end result is an organization of productive employees who feel noticed, valued, and appreciated. In other words, they feel visible.

In today′s competitive environment, all of us are looking for the next big product, the next big capability or solution. But great managers are finding that recognizing people leads to a more engaged workforce and a more successful business. The Invisible Employee shows you how to bring out the hidden potential in your team and your business.
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Exclusive Interview Chester Elton
“Recognition is the greatest communication tool that a manager or leader has at their disposal.”

In this interview, Chester Elton discusses:

  • Why simple recognition is more powerful than most managers realize .
  • How one high performing team can transform an organization.
  • The key components of effective employee motivation.

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