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SPEAKING FEE RANGE ** Please note that while this speaker’s specific speaking fee falls within the range posted above (for Continental U.S. based events), fees are subject to change. For current fee information or international event fees (which are generally 50-75% more than U.S based event fees), please contact us. $25,000 to $30,000 |
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BOOK GAIL BLANKE speakers@coreagency.com |
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SPEAKING FEE RANGE* $25,000 to $30,000 |
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Book Gail Blanke speakers@coreagency.com |
- Was on of the youngest female senior vice presidents for Avon Products, Inc. and a former executive at CBS.
- Has worked with hundreds of CEOs, politicians, educators and leaders on business coaching and presentation skills.
- Blanke’s speeches and workshops are inspirational, thought provoking and are designed to make participants motivated to embrace change.
Gail Blanke’s personal mission is to change the world from focusing on “how bad could it get?” to “how good could I make it?” one person at a time. Blanke is a popular motivational speaker, executive coach, public speaking trainer, and founder and CEO of Lifedesigns, LLC, a company that empowers people to live exceptional lives. Blanke also is the author of five books, including her latest, The Monday Morning Motivator…How Good Could You Make It? The book is a collection of Blanke’s “Monday Morning Motivators” blog that is followed by more than 10,000 fans.
As one of the youngest female senior vice presidents for Avon Products, Inc., Blanke motivated millions of Avon sales representatives worldwide as head of global communications. She also launched the Avon Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade, which has raised nearly $1 billion. Prior to Avon, Blanke held executive positions at CBS and was manager of special promotions for the New York Yankees.
She frequently gives keynotes for the American Heart Association and is on the board of the New York Chapter. She describes her own “Surprise! You Need Heart Surgery!” story on “ABC World News” with Diane Sawyer and in a column for Real Simple magazine entitled “Follow Your Instincts.”
Blanke majored in acting at the Yale Graduate School of Drama. She has won numerous awards, including the Matrix Award presented by New York Women in Communications, the International Women’s Forum “Women Who Make a Difference Award,” and the Star Award from the New York Women’s Agenda. She also was among the first group of women to be inducted into the YWCA Academy of Women Achievers.
“Kick off your shoes and smile as you read this. Here are a few comments from the
surveys: ‘Awesome, powerful,’ ‘Lots to take home,’ ‘Wonderful,’ ‘Thank you – Gail Blanke
is a wonderful speaker and storyteller,’ ‘Gail did a great job at teaching and coaching me on how to begin looking inside for my inner power and strength... Great presentation.’ ‘Exceptional – life-changing’ ‘I really love her’ ‘ Awesome, great choice’ ‘Absolutely excellent, fabulous’ Very professional speaker and good motivator – thank you for finding her’ ′Fantastic, extremely helpful, powerful, very motivating – being bold is great’
You should be very proud of the message and its delivery. Across the board you received 5 out of 5 on the survey. The presentation was amazing and I would listen to you over and over again.”
Nadia Allaudin,
Vice President,
Merrill Lynch
“Gail has a great gift and is able to reveal qualities in individuals they didn’t know
they had—but qualities that were always there. What an incredible difference it’s
made in my life.”
Senator Bob Graham,
“You were a hit with my team today. The comments you made about taking control of one’s life and becoming motivated and active in the process of becoming who we want to be were timely and relevant. My staff was eloquent in their praise of your inspiring presentation and I will share a few direct quotes from the emails that have rolled in.-
‘I just wanted to communicate to you that your Town Hall meeting was great! Enlightening and informative. Thank you for bringing Gail Blanke to speak to the group. An excellent speaker that I feel brought together what we are doing here at TIAA-CREF. Thank you again.’ ‘Gail Blanke is FABULOUS! That Oprah story gave me goose bumps.’
‘Her presentation today was very motivational.’ Your work with TIAA-CREF is just beginning as it is clear that you will be a key part of our launch strategy. Thank you for your inspiration.”
Nancy Heller,
Senior Managing Director,
“Both Kristen and I would like to thank you once again for delivering such an amazing session for UBS’s Women’s Leadership Conference. The way in which you were able to move the audience emotionally clearly demonstrated how powerful your message was to everyone. It was really inspiring to see the audience feel such a sense of empowerment; proud of who they were and the brand they own, after you challenged everyone to complete that now famous statement, ‘My name is---_______ and I am the one who_____.’ This was a wonderful experience for us all.”
Laura Semeraro Director, Network Management
& Kristen Larkin Director – Operations
UBS Financial Services
“The program you put together for us was brilliant. Engaging, challenging, intelligent, and
because of all that, inspiring. I have never attended a leadership or developmental program that was at the same time so smart, substantive and adult, on the one hand, and so entertaining (so much fun) on the other. Though most of us were strangers until Wednesday – and a bit run down emotionally to boot – you made us feel like a group of 16 year olds with the world at our feet, around a campfire together or in that best English class you never forget from junior high, when everything and anything seemed possible. (How did you do that!) What will also stay with me from the 2 days is the depth, substance, wisdom and heart of my women colleagues.”
Joanna Hendon,
Office of the General Council,
Merrill Lynch
Gail Blanke’s promise to her motivational workshop participants is that they will emerge from her workshop with a renewed sense of purpose, a vision of what "good" looks like, a determination to let go of anything that holds them back, and a solid plan to bring their vision to life. The theme “How good could you make it?” runs through all of Blanke’s workshops and keynotes.
Her personal development and leadership workshops are customized to meet the needs of the audience, but always include the following “six-and-a-half steps”:
1. Tap into the incredible power of a vision
2. Let go
3. Make a list of the “defining moments” in your life and your work
4. Adopt an entrepreneurial spirit
5. Develop your own personal brand
6. Learn to distinguish between “fact and interpretation” in your life and your work
6.5. Find your song and sing it
Her most widely requested speech topics include:

Throw Out Fifty Things: Let Go of Your Clutter and Grab Hold of Your Life
"Our lives are so filled with junk from the past-from dried up tubes of glue to old grudges-that it′s a wonder we can get up in the morning," exclaims motivator, best-selling author, columnist, and life coach Gail Blanke.
"If you want to grow, you gotta let go," is Blanke′s mantra; and that means eliminating all the clutter-physical and emotional-that holds you back, weighs you down, or just makes you feel bad about yourself.
In THROW OUT FIFTY THINGS she takes us through each room of the house-from the attic to the garage-and even to the far reaches of our minds. Through poignant and humorous stories, she inspires us to get rid of the "life plaque" we′ve allowed to build-up there.
- That junk drawer (you know that drawer) in the kitchen? Empty it!
- Those old regrets? Throw ′em out!
- That make-up from your "old" look? Toss it!
- That relationship that depresses you? Dump it!
Once you′ve hit fifty-you′ll be surprised how easy it is to get there-and once you′ve thrown out that too-tight belt and too-small view of yourself, you′ll be ready to step out into the clearing and into the next, and greatest, segment of your life.
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